Different world religions are confessing God. But how do these world religions relate to God? Do they all relate to the same God? In this article, we shall look at five world religions and their relationship with God.

The gender of the Holy Spirit is a topic that discusses the masculine or feminine nature of the Holy Spirit. In this article, scriptures are analyzed and the conclusions on the gender of the Holy Spirit are drawn.

Ethical egoism can be broadly divided into three categories: individual, personal, and universal. An individual ethical egoist would hold that all people should do whatever benefits "my" (the individual) self-interest; a personal ethical egoist would hold that he or she should act in his or her self-interest, but would make no claims about what anyone else ought to do; a universal ethical egoist would argue that everyone should act in ways that are in their self-interest.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an infilling of power that Jesus performs in the life of one who is completely yielded to Him. It is not a requirement for salvation; rather, it is a gift for those who have already received the new birth.

Peacebuilding involves a multidimensional range of measures to reduce the risk of a lapse or relapse into conflict by addressing both the causes and consequences of conflict. The basic elements of peacebuilding include Power-Based Work, Rights-Based Work, Interest-Based Work, and Compassion-Based Work.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the impartation of the ability of the Holy Spirit into our lives to do His work. It is a great experience that sees the people of God do great things through the supernatural power of God. However, the anointing has been abused among the Pentecostals.

The coefficient of correlation measures the strength of a relationship between two variables. In 1896, the British Mathematician, Karl Pearson introduced the Pearson product-moment correlation formula for estimating correlations.

This study examined Child Abuse: Causes, Effects, and Remedies. Four research questions were answered with five questions complementing each research question. Frequencies and simple percentages were used in analyzing the data.

Human beings are the most important resource in an organization.
Human Resource Management is one of the toughest duties of a manager since humans differ in terms of attitudes, values, aspirations, motivations, assumptions, psychology, and life goals. Overcoming HRM challenges will boost organizational productivity.

. Child education in this context means ensuring that a child gets the right education – formal and informal. Everything that needs to be done to ensure that children (from infancy to teenage) acquire the right education. Child education is sometimes called early childhood education.

Crime is a social problem in all human societies. In Nigeria, the most heinous and harrowing types of it include kidnappings, insecurity/terrorism, and arm robbery. Incidence of crimes, including abduction, kidnapping, and terrorism are heard in the different parts of the country.

The person of the Holy Spirit is not known to many Christians. The Holy Spirit is a significant person in Christianity and Christian living. The knowledge of who the Holy Spirit is has been established that people do not argue His personality.