The study was carried out to determine the prevalence of measles amongst children in Abia State University Teaching Hospital (ABSUTH) Aba. The aim of the study is to provide data on the prevalence of measles amongst children (0 – 5 years) in ABSUTH, to determine the most affected age group and to identify the most prevalent complications.

The primary purpose of the study was to survey and evaluate the hindrances to evangelism and soul-winning, using Assemblies of God Nigeria, Ali-Udo District as a case study. Four research questions were addressed. Data were analyzed using simple percentages. It was found that evangelism and soul winning has a significant role in church growth.

This study examined child abuse and neglect: implication on the educational development of the child. Five research questions were answered with four questions complementing each research question. A validated structured questionnaire was administered to the randomly selected respondents by a simple random sampling technique. Frequencies and simple percentages were used in analyzing the data.

Entrepreneurship is an important factor in national development. The strategic role of the entrepreneur as an agent of economic transformation in society is noted. This has led human societies to create veritable conditions for the existence of entrepreneurs. Nigerian entrepreneurs, therefore, cannot be left out in the pursuit of the nation’s development.

The impact of small-scale businesses cannot be overlooked in any part of the world. This study used the linear regression model to evaluate the impact of small-scale enterprises on the Nigerian economy.

Church growth is good, but is it healthy? In continuation with our analysis on church growth strategies we discussed the features of a healthy church.