Education is a deliberate action with certain goals in mind, such as the dissemination of knowledge or the development of skills and character qualities. This article discussed the history, epistemology, and philosophy of education in Nigeria.

Karl Marx's theory of religion is viewed as an aspect of his general theory of society. According to Marx, religion is the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet found himself or has already lost himself again. Learn more in this well-written research.

This brief research discussed the essential functions of Bible school administration. Vital functions such as developing a plan, assessing teachers, etc, are discussed.

The law of God which was unveiled by Moses exposes the weakness of man, but the Grace of God which is perfected in Christ strengthens man's weaknesses. Understanding the grace of God will help man unveil the veil that the law of God placed in man's heart.

The doctrine of Biblical inspiration is the teaching that the Bible is God-breathed and is therefore our infallible rule for faith and practice. If the Bible is simply the work of the human imagination, then there is no compelling reason to follow its doctrines and moral guidelines.

What is the work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life? The Holy Spirit is involved in creation in the beginning and also inspires man to be creative. He is also involved in man’s redemption, salvation, transformation, and glorification.

The truth about the Holy Spirit is that He is the third person in the Godhead. He is co-equal with God the Father, and God the Son. The ascended Christ did not only send the Holy Spirit but also manifests Himself through the Spirit.

The role of the Holy Spirit in the church today cannot be overemphasized. It is clear that in the church today, the Holy Spirit dwells in those persons who have submitted to the Lordship of Christ. They believe in Him, and so receive eternal life.

The departure of Christ ushered in the era of the Holy Spirit. Since then, the role of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament church has not been completely understood. The Holy Spirit has taken over Christ's role on earth and it is only in and through Him that Christ is made known.

Some deny the Deity of Jesus Christ. Of those, some believe in the inerrant Word of God, yet alleges that Jesus Himself never claimed to be God. Those who would make such a claim are simply wrong.

Community development is a way of strengthening civil society by prioritizing the actions of communities, and their perspectives in the development of social, economic, and environmental policy.

This article on the books of Samuel's summary looked at the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel. These books record accounts of the reign of Kings Saul and King David. The books of 1st and 2nd Samuel were considered as one book in the Hebrew bible. Beginning with Samuel as the last judge it tells the story of the rise of kingship in Israel.