Constructive Comparison Between the Education Systems of the UK and Nigeria

There are a number of similarities and differences between the UK education system and that of Nigeria. Moreso, the UK is their colonial master. I looked at both education systems with the view of extracting their basic similarities and difference.
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There are a number of similarities and differences between the UK education system and that of Nigeria. Moreso, the UK is their colonial master. I looked at both education systems with the view of extracting their basic similarities and differences.

The process by which learning is aided is referred to as education. It is a method for people to teach others new behaviors, facts, viewpoints, ideals, and abilities. Using techniques like talks, storytelling, teaching, research, or training, the transfer is accomplished.

The majority of the time, education is carried out by teachers, however, self-education is also a form of autodidactic learning.

A system of education is where education occurs. Public schools are referred to as part of the education system as opposed to private schools. It includes all of the activities that occur, starting with those in kindergarten and ending with those in high school. These educational systems are also available in a variety of configurations, with schools and school districts being the smallest and countries being the largest.

The educational systems in many nations vary. The disparities result from the multiple levels of government—community, federal, and state—invested in promoting public education. The laws, rules, and policies put in place by each nation are a few of the elements that make their educational systems unique.

Education Systems of the UK vs That of Nigeria

The followings are the similarities and differences between the education systems of Nigeria and that of the United Kingdom.

The similarities

The education system in Nigeria and the United Kingdom shares a number of similarities. However, only three of these similarities are emphasized in this section. According to Barclay (2006), n.p., “the curricula and syllabi are in British English” which is one of the similarities between the two systems.

In contrast to American English, the books used for the study are written in proper British English. The education systems are both “broken down,” which is another similarity. Depending on the age of the students, they are divided into three stages. The first stage in quite a while comprises understudies whose age lies somewhere in the range of five and eleven years.

The children in the second stage range in age from 11 to 12 years old. Last but not least, “any learner over the age of sixteen falls into the third stage” (Barclay, 2006, n.p.). These steps are important because they help teachers create a level-specific curriculum. The same material is taught to students at each level.

Age determines the level of difficulty of the content. It is generally accepted that students who are older comprehend information more quickly than students who are younger. The two systems share a third thing: they use almost identical names for the same school stages. Primary school, secondary school, and university are the names used.

They are determined by the student’s age. The schools are also broken up into sessions and terms. To advance to the next stage, one must attend a predetermined number of terms and classes. They also take tests, which they must pass to meet the requirements of the examination board.

The Differences

There are likewise exists various contrasts between the UK and Nigeria school systems. ” According to Barclay (2006)[1], the law in the United Kingdom prohibits children under the age of five from attending school. “Children in Nigeria are free to enter school at any age,” on the other hand. Some sign up prior to 5. The majority, however, begin school before the age of five.

Additionally, the education of students between the ages of 5 and 16 is supported by the UK government. Students only receive a subsidy in Nigeria (Ryan, n.d., p. 217). Consequently, the majority of parents choose private schools over public ones due to their superior quality.

Lastly, according to Ryan (n.d.), “the education system of the UK requires one to attain the age of 11 to be legible to join secondary education, and the age of 18 to enroll in university education.” p. 217). In contrast, Nigeria does not have such laws. Nigeria does not have any restrictions or laws of this kind.


The government provides funding for public schools in the United Kingdom. The state government has presented a procedure of per-student subsidizing. That implies that each school gets a sum compared to the number of understudies enlisted. ” In the fiscal years 2011-2012 and 2014-2015, the sum allotted to each student was increased” (Mortimore, 2010, p. 1)[2].

However, in order to make education more accessible to the majority of Nigerians, the Ministry of Education also provides subsidized tuition. It does not cover everything. Thus, the UK has countless students while Nigeria has a modest number. This is because education is not prohibitively expensive.


In the United Kingdom, children between the ages of 5 and 16 are required to attend school. There should be five stages of education for them. Early childhood, primary, secondary, further education, and higher education (HE) are the stages. It is expected of all children to attend at least secondary school. Higher education is not required.

In contrast, education in Nigeria is open to all ages (Johnson, 2008, p. 48)[3]. However, in contrast to the United Kingdom, it is optional from birth. The strategy has reduced poverty and ignorance in the UK while raising illiteracy rates in Nigeria.

Quality of the Education Systems

“The UK’s education system is ranked second in Europe and sixth worldwide.” There are a lot of good teachers in the country. On the other hand, “Nigeria’s education system is poor because it lacks high-quality teachers.” The majority of educational establishments in Nigeria lack the necessary and adequate educational facilities (Ryan, n.d., p. 215)[4].

The student’s performance has suffered as a result. Clearly, there are more differences than similarities between Nigeria’s and the UK’s educational systems. The Unified Realm has a superior schooling system since training is necessary and supported. Additionally, the nation has the necessary educational facilities. On the other hand, because education is not required, Nigeria has a high rate of illiteracy.

Additionally, it is only subsidized, rendering it out of reach for many locals. Due to a lack of the necessary facilities and resources, the country also has poor teaching quality. As a result, Nigeria’s educational system is inferior to that of the UK.

What Are the Agencies of Education?

Education organizations can be either active or inactive. Active organizations are those that deliver education through direct communication and group participation. With the educator and learner influencing one another, education becomes a two-way process in this situation.

Typically, education serves three different social roles. First and foremost, it passes over unique or cultural heritage from one generation to the next. It is made up of the diverse experiences, traditions, values, and customs of the people.

Second, education preserves this cultural heritage by using its curricula, textbooks, teaching aids, and other components.

Thirdly, in order to evolve and improve society in light of evolving conditions and demands, education produces new social institutions and patterns.

In order to carry out certain unique duties in conjunction with the aforementioned activities, society has gradually developed a variety of organizations and institutions. The agencies of education are the name given to these establishments and businesses.

They mold their people in a variety of ways. Their personality, knowledge, understanding, attitude, interests, values, and aspirations are all shaped by them. They range from fundamental institutions like the family to others like the school, playground, and clubs.

Formal agencies

Formal agencies are those organizations and groups that society consciously creates with the sole purpose of disseminating predetermined, ready-made knowledge in a predetermined amount of time in a structured setting.

In these agencies, there are clear goals and objectives, a detailed curriculum, identifiable teachers and students, and a set time and location. In other words, everything about education is pre-planned or thought out in advance. These organizations include schools, colleges, universities, libraries, places of worship, recreation clubs, museums, picture and art galleries, zoos, and others.

Informal agencies

Informal organizations are those organizations that have a significant educational impact on people in a continuous, indirect manner throughout their lives. They are known as indirect agencies because they indirectly affect people’s behavior. Individuals receive education informally and unintentionally. All formalities, regulations, systematization, pre-planning, premeditation, or training are absent from these entities.

There are no specific locations or locations for teaching. People naturally and inadvertently learn through their own initiatives and efforts. Family, community, state, social gatherings, playgrounds, associations, religious rituals, crowds, markets, movie theaters, newspapers, fairs, exhibitions, radio, television, public meetings, field trips, etc. are a few examples of informal education agencies.

Active agencies

Active agencies of education are those organizations that promote education through interpersonal engagement. There is a two-way exchange of information. The educand and the educator, or the person and the group, both have an impact on and respond to one another.

Because both the agency and the individual actively participate and partake in the educational process, the agency is referred to as being “active.” The family, the school, the church, youth organizations, associations, social welfare organizations, sports clubs, museums, art galleries, entertainment programs, etc. are a few examples of such organizations.

Inactive agencies

Agencies classified as passive have the ability to impact a person but are not at all affected by them. There is just one method to interact. Since the individual plays a passive role because he is unable to influence the agencies, these organizations are referred to as passive. Libraries, the press, movies, newspapers, radio, television, theaters, magazines, etc. are a few examples of these organizations.

Commercial agencies

Commercial organizations are those that disseminate a wide range of knowledge, discoveries, innovations, and human achievements. Youngster gains a variety of social experiences and interactions through these organizations, helping to shape their social attitudes. These organizations, which include the media, radio, television, theater, clubs, newspapers, magazines, and periodicals, all have commercial goals.

Non-commercial agencies

Non-commercial organizations are ones that are founded for social good. Their priority is social welfare, not financial gain. Sports clubs, educational excursions, discussions, scouts, youth forums, charity initiatives, adult education facilities, red cross units, and more are examples. These are intended to help kids develop excellent character and contribute to society.

What Is The Importance Of Teaching Practice In Education Training?

The undergraduate teacher training program includes a significant portion of teaching practice. During this time, the student teacher has the opportunity to put their newly acquired knowledge and abilities to use in the classroom. Teaching practice is an essential part of teacher education and training because it gives student teachers the chance to gain practical experience.

According to Atputhasamy (2005), student teachers believe that the most critical factors in their growth as teachers are the practical experience of observing expert teachers, receiving feedback, and practicing strategies.

However, there is a widespread outcry regarding the quality of the majority of teachers who have undergone this practice. Teachers’ training colleges, secondary schools, and stakeholders in the education system collaborate to train teachers.

The Importance of Teaching Practice in Teacher Education

  1. Teaching practice is an essential component of teacher education. It provides student teachers with real-world teaching and learning experiences. Before entering the real world of teaching, a student-teacher has the opportunity to practice the art of teaching during teaching practice.
  2. Teaching practice is seen by student-teachers as an essential component of their preparation for the teaching profession because it serves as a real bridge between studenthood and membership in the profession.
  3. Because they play such an important role in the provision of high-quality education, teachers are considered to be social change agents. Quality teachers have a greater impact on student achievement than any other social factor, including class size, parent education, income and language background, or the number of parents in the household.
  4. Teachers have a significant impact on the futures of individuals and entire generations. They can also have an impact on the country’s economic dynamism by teaching skills that lead to workplace innovation and productivity.
  5. Teachers should be given a variety of skills, knowledge, attitudes, and relevant educational experience to help them deal with the changing and challenging world. Education is expected to play a key role in improving the socioeconomic and cultural status of developing countries.
  6. However, it is impossible to envision a high-quality education without the presence of teachers who are qualified academically and professionally. Therefore, a well-designed and successfully implemented teaching practice program for student teachers that aims to produce teachers who are academically qualified, professionally skilled, and attitudinally and ethically committed to their profession is necessary for teachers to play their role effectively in schools.
  7. The most significant influences on education quality and its contribution to national development are the teacher’s character and quality competence. Even with the best curriculum and enough time to teach, a teacher will not succeed unless he or she is passionate about the work, knowledgeable about the subject and how to teach it, interested, well-informed, passionate about the subject, and believes in its values despite difficulties and hand carps.

What is the Importance of Women’s Education in our Society?

Every type of education that attempts to increase the knowledge and skills of women and girls is referred to as “women’s education.” It comprises general education in schools and colleges, technical and vocational training, career and health education, etc. Both literary and non-literary education are included in women’s education.

Women with education can shift the socioeconomic landscape. Equal rights are guaranteed by the constitutions of almost all democratic nations, including India. Today, access to basic education is a right. The sustainability of society as a whole is maintained when a woman (or a girl) is given access to her rights.

Being educated gives a woman the abilities, information, and self-assurance she needs to be a better mother, employee, and citizen. A lady with a good education will also work harder and earn more money. In fact, women frequently see larger returns on their educational investments than men.

In particular, in a developing nation, it is imperative to educate women for the reasons listed below:

Prosperity and development of the economy:

Women will be empowered by education to speak up and contribute to the country’s growth and prosperity.

Economic independence:

The helpless state of women cannot be changed as long as they remain economically disadvantaged and dependent on men. Women’s proper education and employment are the only paths to economic independence.

Better life:

A woman can lead a happy life thanks to her education. She would never lose her individual identity. She is able to read and understand her rights. Her rights wouldn’t be violated. The life or state of ladies would work a great deal, on the off chance that we take an expansive standpoint in the field of female training.

Better health:

Taught young ladies and ladies know about the significance of well-being and cleanliness. They are empowered to lead a healthy lifestyle through health education. Mothers with education are better able to look after themselves and their children.

Poise and honor:

Nowadays, educated women are regarded with respect and dignity. Millions of young girls look to them as role models and find that they inspire them.


Women with more education are more aware of their legal rights. The use of dowry, forced prostitution, child marriage, female genital mutilation, and other forms of violence against women would eventually decrease as a result.

The decision to pick a profession of her choice:

Women with education have a better chance of succeeding in life. A girl should have the same opportunities for education as a boy does so that she can plan to be a successful doctor, engineer, nurse, air hostess, cook, or do something else she wants.

Reduce poverty:

To eradicate poverty, women must be educated. Women must shoulder equal responsibility for the enormous task of eradicating poverty. This would request an enormous commitment from instructed ladies. Until girls and women are given the right to an education, there won’t be much change in society or the economy.

Women should receive an education to help them understand the world and learn how to handle challenges. It should be mandatory for all women to go to school and get knowledge. Indeed, the majority of women would flourish and perform well.

What Is The Importance Of Pre-Retirement Education?

The advantages of training prior to retirement cannot be overstated. For some, retiring means making significant adjustments to one’s daily routine, including how one spends money, their time, and other aspects of life.

Retirement is viewed with mixed feelings in this region of the world. Usually, even people who are looking forward to retirement feel a great deal of loss.

However, experts have repeatedly emphasized how important it is to prepare in advance, particularly through training. They argued that retirement will be more successful for all workers if they are better prepared for changes.

As part of a financial wellness program, providing employees with access to pre-retirement workshops has a number of advantages, including reducing stress and increasing productivity. Employees can benefit from these courses in the following ways:

Productivity In 2017, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development found that one in four workers agreed that worries about money affect their work productivity.

Employees’ perceptions of their employer shift when pre-retirement planning and other benefits are made available, allowing them to experience greater personal and professional support and value. With a higher rate of employee retention, the company’s appeal can rise.

Wellbeing Program While providing pre-retirement seminars and courses to your employees is a great way to equip them with the information, they need to make more informed decisions about their future, it is also possible to provide financial well-being assistance to employees before they reach this stage.


Issues of funding, organization, and quality of learning are usually determined by the government in both countries. The education system in both countries allows for formal and informal agencies of education.

Also, the importance of women’s education is prioritized. So far, it’s your turn to bother me with your comments. Kindly use the box below.

[1] Barclay, L. (2006). UK law and your rights for dummies. Chichester: John Wiley.

[2] Mortimore, P. (2010). Ten education issues the new government should address. The Guardian.  Available at:

[3] Johnson, D. (2008). The changing landscape of education in Africa. Oxford: Symposium Books.

[4] Ryan, J. (n.d.). Cross-cultural teaching and learning for home and international students.

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