
What is Leadership, Directing, and Control

what is situational leadership

The ability of an individual, group, or organization to “lead,” influence, or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations encompasses leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill. In this article, I discussed what is leadership, directing, and control.

The term “leadership” is frequently viewed as contentious. Various perspectives on the idea are debated in specialist literature, sometimes contrasting Western and Eastern approaches to leadership.

Leaders are not usually those with higher positions in an organization. They are, nevertheless, people who are well-known for their values and work ethics. A leader is enthusiastic about their work, and they transmit their excitement to their coworkers, allowing them to achieve their objectives. If you believe you lack the necessary skills, you might consider enrolling in one of the leadership courses or a leadership training program.

What is leadership?

According to the Oxford dictionary, leadership is “The action of leading a group of people or an organization.” Leadership entails taking chances and questioning the status quo. Leaders inspire people to do something new and better. Surprisingly, leaders do what they do to pursue innovation rather than out of responsibility. They assess success by examining the team’s accomplishments and learning.

The ability to motivate a group to achieve a particular objective is a hallmark of leadership. Although it is typically discussed in the context of business, leadership can also refer to how you choose to lead your own life. To be a leader is to have the ability to influence, motivate, and assist other people in becoming their best selves while also helping them develop their skills and accomplish objectives. To be a leader, you don’t have to be CEO, manager, or even team leader. Anyone can learn to be a leader by mastering a set of skills and a certain psychology.

Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or position in a company’s hierarchy. Too many people refer to a company’s leadership as the top executives. Senior executives are exactly that. Leadership does not occur automatically when you reach a certain pay grade. There’s a chance you’ll find it there, but there’s no assurance.

Leadership has nothing to do with titles. Similarly to the last argument, simply because you hold a C-level title does not automatically make you a “leader.” In all of my lectures, I emphasize that you don’t need a title to lead. You can be a leader in your place of worship, your neighborhood, and your family without a title.

Personal characteristics have little to do with leadership. Most people associate the term “leader” with a commanding, charismatic figure. We frequently recall historical figures such as General Patton and President Lincoln. However, leadership is not an adjective. To be a leader, we don’t need to be extroverted or charming. And charismatic people do not always lead.

Management is not leadership. This is the important one. Leadership and management are not the same things. Effective management is required. Managers must plan, measure, monitor, coordinate, solve, hire, and fire among many other tasks. Managers typically handle things. People are led by leaders.

According to business scholars, the definition of leadership is as follows:

The only definition of a leader is someone who has followers, (Peter Drucker)

Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality, (Warren Bennis)

As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others, (Bill Gates)

Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less (John Maxwell).

Leadership, therefore, is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, toward the achievement of a goal. (Kruse, K., 2013)

Differences between leadership and management

  1. Different approaches are used by leaders and managers to attain their objectives. Managers, for example, want adherence to rules and processes, but leaders thrive on breaking the mold and questioning the status quo. Here are some distinctions between leadership and management.
  2. Leaders and managers have distinct perspectives. Managers are implementers, whereas leaders are visionaries. Leaders establish objectives for their teams. Managers guarantee that their superiors’ objectives are met.
  3. Managers achieve their objectives by distributing duties to members of their teams. They strategically assign tasks to subordinates and organize available resources to achieve the goal. Meanwhile, leaders inspire others. In addition to working for organizational goals, they focus on the personal growth of their team. They envisage their team’s future development and endeavor to achieve it.
  4. To achieve new and improved outcomes, a leader evaluates and analyzes every circumstance. A manager, on the other hand, puts an emphasis on questions like “how” and “when,” which helps them achieve their goals. They accept the situation and work to maintain it.

What are the attributes of a good leader?

  1. Integrity and honesty: Honesty and virtue are valued by leaders. They are supported by people who share their vision.
  2. Inspiration: Leaders are great influencers because they are self-motivating. Their followers are encouraged by them. They assist others in comprehending their roles within a broader context.
  3. Skills for communicating: Leaders are excellent communicators. They are open with their team and share both their successes and failures.
  4. Visionary: Visionaries are at the top. They know exactly what they want and how to get it. Leaders can effectively convey their vision to their team by communicating well.
  5. Never give up the spirit: The status quo is challenged by leaders. As a result, they never lose hope. They also have unique approaches to problem-solving.
  6. Intuitive: Hortense le Gentil, a leadership coach, is of the opinion that hard decisions should be made by leaders using their intuition. Especially, because intuition relies heavily on a person’s previous knowledge and life experiences, making it more useful in complicated situations.
  7. Empathy: A leader’s ability to empathize with others and feel their emotions will help them build a strong bond with their team. A leader will also be able to better address the issues, concerns, and aspirations of his team members with the assistance of these characteristics.
  8. Objective: Even though a leader needs to have empathy, it’s not a good idea to be overly emotional when making a big business decision. As a result, an objective leader is essential.
  9. Intelligence: A good leader must be able to think creatively and find business solutions to difficult issues. A leader should also be analytical and weigh the advantages and disadvantages before making a choice. An all-inclusive leadership training program can improve this quality.
  10. Creativity and openness to new ideas: Someone who is open to new concepts, possibilities, and perspectives is a good leader. Understanding that there is no right or wrong way to do things is essential to being a good leader. As a result, a successful leader is always prepared to listen, observe, and adapt. They also think outside the box, which inspires their teams to do the same. All of these aspects will be covered in depth when you enroll in a leadership program.
  11. Patient: A successful leader is aware that implementing a business strategy requires time. They also hold the belief that success can be achieved through “continuous improvement and patience.”
  12. Flexible: Because leaders are familiar with the idea of “continuous improvement,” they are also aware that being adaptable will ensure their success. Nothing goes according to plan. Therefore, being adaptable and intuitive enables a manager to maintain his composure in complex circumstances.

Different leadership types

Different types of leadership styles differentiate different leaders around the world and within organizations.

what is leadership,

Autocratic leader

An authoritarian leader has total authority over his team. They never compromise their principles or standards for anyone. Additionally, their team is not involved in any of the corporate decisions. In addition, the group is expected to follow the leader’s lead.

Due to its resistance to change, this antiquated form of leadership doesn’t attract many followers. And with their ground-breaking choices, contemporary leaders are redefining leadership and altering the definition of what it is.

Democratic leader

Team members and leaders alike contribute to achieving business objectives in this style of leadership. In addition, they collaborate and inspire one another to accomplish personal objectives. Positive working conditions are the result of this kind of leadership.

Bureaucratic leader

In this style of leadership, leaders carefully abide by the standards and procedures of the company. They ensure that the rest of their squad follows suit. Leaders in the bureaucracy are frequently organized and self-driven.

It is impossible to choose the ideal leadership style. You must therefore select what kind of leader you want to be.

Laisse Faire leader

Laissez-faire leadership often referred to as delegative leadership, is a style of leadership in which the leader stays out of the way and lets the group decide what to do.

The phrase “laisse-faire” is derived from the French verb “permettre à faire.” defines non-interference as “the practice of not interfering in the affairs of others, particularly with reference to individual conduct or freedom of action.” Team members are allowed to carry out their duties as they see fit under this kind of leadership. They are allowed the freedom to use their insight and intelligence when carrying out company tasks.

Advantages of democratic leadership

  1. This leadership method makes workers feel invested in their work. Employees are more likely to be content and productive when they sense a connection to their team and company.
  2. It helps to encourage the free exchange of ideas. Democratic leaders are interested in involving their teams in the solution-finding process. They want the knowledge and experience of their direct reports to feel like there is something to gain when they contribute to a result.
  3. This organizational structure promotes mutual respect and trust among the team. Employees must be in a setting where they feel free to discuss ideas with their manager. Each team member has the confidence that their thoughts will be taken into serious account when decisions are being made thanks to the democratic leadership style.
  4. Democratic leaders give morality and values a higher priority. The democratic leader’s worldview will serve as the cornerstone for whatever the team determines to be their collective identity. Each member of the team must feel that they have a fundamental right to be heard for this approach to work.
  5. People view leaders who use this style as more competent. If your views are continually rejected as a leader in any sense of the word, it becomes difficult to maintain that position. Keeping everything straight might be difficult. For thoughts, experiences, or suggestions to be considered valid, an executive, manager, or team leader must be more competent in their role.
  6. A democratic leader must have an open and sincere mentality. There will virtually always be opposing viewpoints when Democratic leaders are faced with management challenges, therefore they must maintain an open mind. The managers and executives could even come into conflict with the goals of the rest of their team.
  7. Democratic leaders are exposed to a wider range of perspectives. Democratic leaders do more than only make choices based on their knowledge or personal experiences. They must incorporate a wide range of suggestions from the team members they work with every day.
  8. It enables the growth of stronger teams. A strong team unit will most likely start emerging because the democratic leadership style encourages teams to collaborate through discussion to arrive at the greatest potential conclusion. The majority of employees are aware of the value of working as a team to achieve the organization’s objective and vision.
  9. This leadership approach can produce a strong future vision. When utilizing a democratic leadership approach, there will always be those who disagree with the group’s choice. A whole team can decide to take a different course of action than the one that their supervisor had suggested.
  10. The team has more knowledge available to them as a result. Diverse viewpoints do more than merely offer a solid platform for important organizational decisions. People can learn more by participating in these discussions in a variety of ways. Everyone adds their perspectives since different people bring their special talents and experiences. With the use of their abilities, each team member can contribute to the organization’s overarching mission through this process. It is a benefit that frequently results in increased competencies growing over time for all parties concerned.

When can a leader apply the laisse-faire style of leadership?

One of the key tactics that business owners can use when creating a management strategy for their company is laissez-faire leadership. By utilizing the inherent skills and talents of your staff, laissez-faire leadership can assist you in driving the success of your business. This is because, laissez-faire

  1. Encourages personal growth and innovation
  2. Allows for faster decision-making among colleagues
  3. Increases employee retention since it creates a favorable environment for employees.

As a result, businesses that should use this type of leadership are businesses that center on innovation and creativity. Thus, organizations that have passionate and motivated employees or teams can be able to adopt this kind of leadership. Also, businesses that have highly talented employees and teams with the required expert knowledge can use this leadership style.

I believe this is why great innovators and businessmen chose this leadership style. Steve Jobs used laissez-faire leadership to encourage creativity and rapid development at Apple. Andrew Mellon’s laissez-faire leadership allowed him to branch into many areas including philanthropy, banking, manufacturing, politics, and even art collecting. Warren Buffet expanded his business across several industries by encouraging a laissez-faire company culture for all employees.

Is it necessary sometimes to apply the autocratic leadership style?

The answer is YES.

The autocratic approach typically has a very unfavorable tone. Without a doubt, it may be when overdone or applied to the incorrect people or circumstances. However, under other circumstances, such as when decisions must be taken swiftly without talking with a large group of people, autocratic leadership can be advantageous.

Let’s look at situations where autocratic leadership can be very beneficial or used at its best.

  1. When Structure, risk, and swift decisions are required. This generally applies to the military, law enforcement, and emergency services like fire and ambulance. One of the biggest employers in the world is the military forces. Additionally, it is a vocation fraught with risk and ambiguity. On the front lines, every hesitation can have fatal repercussions. Decisions must be made quickly, clearly, and directly. There is no time for deliberation and consensus-building as a democratic team, thus they must be obeyed to increase chances of success.
  2. When complex work is done and extreme precision is vital. Precision is crucial in particular industries or circumstances. It may mean the difference between life and death in some circumstances. In some cases, a minor error can render an entire product line flawed. The nature of the work may be too complex in other professions to permit the open exchange of ideas. For instance, there is no time or room for error for high-risk surgeries. Additionally, highly technical and process-specific sectors, including those that make automobiles and refine petroleum, demand strict adherence to protocol with no room for deviation.
  3. It can be used based on the situation on the ground. For example, in times of crisis, when working against a deadline, and when dealing with external bodies. A democratic approach should be altered to an autocratic and directive one when an organization is under extreme stress, whether it be from bad financial performance or an emergency. This way, commands are crystal clear and everyone knows exactly what to do and when. As a leader, you will frequently encounter circumstances when you must collaborate with an outside organization to complete a business transaction or a specific project. It is not always possible to include your whole team in such an ongoing deal or project execution for deliberation and decision-making.
  4. Autocratic leadership can also be used when working with low self-esteemed, low motivation, and inexperienced staff. Leadership is all about getting the best performance out of every worker. As a result, the workforce’s traits also influence leadership style.
  5. People who refuse to accept responsibility. An employee’s overall reluctance to accept responsibility for specific actions is frequently seen in government organizations. If things go wrong, this could be because of a laid-back attitude or out of fear of being persecuted by other leaders or other organizations. As a result, decisions are consistently delayed despite extensive discussion. In these situations, it takes autocratic leadership in the form of a forceful head to make the risky choice and then take accountability for it.

What is situational leadership?

Situational leadership is a fluid, adaptive form of leadership that lets a leader choose whether to be more directive or supportive depending on the specific requirements of each of their followers. For instance, those that employ this style of leadership modify their management approach in response to a person’s progress.

To guarantee they are leading most effectively and appropriately as possible, leaders using this leadership style must modify their management style.

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard developed the Situational Leadership Theory, often known as the Situational Leadership Model while working on the Management of Organizational Behavior. The life cycle theory of leadership was the name given to the theory when it was originally presented. The leadership life cycle theory was renamed “Situational Leadership Theory” in the middle of the 1970s.

There is no one “best” leadership style, according to the situational leadership model’s guiding principle. The most effective leaders are those that adjust their leadership style to the performance preparedness (abilities and willingness) of the person or group they are attempting to lead. Effective leadership is task-relevant.

Leadership styles for situational leaders

Since situational leadership is a leadership model, the best way to describe it is through the application. This leadership approach is founded on the idea that to succeed, a leader must be flexible and know when to apply each of the four task-based leadership styles.

  1. Analyzing: Situational managers concentrate on locating and evaluating the performance readiness aspects of team members, which enables them to modify their leadership stance.
  2. Adapting: A leader of this type can quickly change from one of the four influencing behaviors to another. They are still able to make a smooth transition based on the requirements of everyone in the room even when they are interacting with multiple people at once.
  3. Influencing: Those that use situational management develop influence instead of utilizing authority, which results from establishing trust and a secure work atmosphere.
  4. Serving others is the goal of situational leadership, which is accomplished through being adaptable to the needs of the people being led.
  5. A situational leader’s top priority is the development of their followers. As a result, they frequently act as a coach who leads their team members through learning opportunities and experiences.

Situational leadership behavioral styles

In situational leadership, depending on who you’re managing and when you might use one of four different leadership philosophies.

what is situational leadership
Telling or directing

This approach is used when a team needs frequent direction and close oversight. Decisions made by leaders that use a telling style may be communicated to the team after they have been made. When repetitive outcomes are required or when a team is inexperienced, the telling technique is most frequently used.

Selling or coaching

Leadership must persuade team members who are capable but may be hesitant to accept the challenge. When coaching, both the level of directive and supportive behavior is very high. The eager novice will benefit the most from this situational leadership approach since you can monitor them and help them without providing direct supervision. When a group or employee lacks the motivation to complete a task or fulfill an obligation, this style of leadership is frequently applied.

Participating or supporting

The participatory behavioral leadership style is most frequently utilized when a team has the skills to complete a task but lacks the motivation or assurance to finish it. Shared opinions and judgments are emphasized. You can help determine the problem and contribute to the solution by the leader asking open-ended questions.

Delegating or empowering

The delegating leadership style is used when a team performs its tasks effectively and efficiently and needs little direction. enables groups to assume accountability for decisions. characterized by the capacity to assign tasks to staff members who tend to work autonomously. This leadership style is team member-led; hence it entails minimal directive and low supportive conduct. When team members are independent achievers, you might need to step aside from your leadership responsibilities. This leadership approach encourages team members’ autonomy and builds mutual trust.

Should a leader use/ apply leadership style as occasion warrants?

For me, YES.

Situational leaders strategically employ their leadership characteristics to guide their organizations rather than taking a one-dimensional approach to leadership. As a result, individuals alter their behavior to have a favorable impact on the team.

Using situational leadership leads to higher levels of output and job satisfaction. Situational leadership is a very effective leadership style to encourage people in a variety of sectors, according to a study from Scientific & Academic Publishing.

Simply put, successful leadership isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition since individuals within an organization vary. While some people might require more guidance and assistance, others might require the exact opposite. People differ not merely in their capacity to do something, but also in their “desire to do,” as co-creator of the model Paul Hersey put it. Despite these distinctions, situational leaders can mobilize everyone to work toward a common goal.

What is Directing?

The managerial function that initiates coordinated action is directing. It is one of the most important core activities of management and is a component of all managerial actions made since the direction is primarily concerned with different other management functions such as leadership, motivation, and communication.

Directing can be defined as that function of management, which helps in guiding and leading people to work in such a manner as to perform efficiently and effectively for the attainment of organizational objectives. Directing is the managerial function, which initiates organized action.

According to Koontz and O ‘Donnel; “directing is a complex function that includes all those activities which are designed to encourage subordinate to work effectively and efficiently in both the short and long-run.”

Directing personnel entails directing, instructing, inspiring, motivating, and overseeing them so that their collective efforts result in the fulfillment of company goals and objectives as intended. It is a manager’s responsibility to provide suitable job direction to his personnel.

It entails not just directing and encouraging staff, but also providing vital information and feedback, acting as a competent leader, and ensuring that their efforts are directed in the same direction as indicated in the plan.

The major purpose of directing is to give adequate instruction on how to execute the given task, give essential inspiration, and watch the activities taken by employees. Its purpose in doing so is to ensure that the objective or goal indicated in the plan is met as planned.

Key components of directing in an organization

Directing has 5 components, namely, supervision, motivation, leadership, communication, and coordination. Let’s explain them briefly.

what is directing


Supervision refers to direct and immediate guidance to the subordinates to ensure the execution of the given tasks. Supervisors have direct interaction with the working employees, they watch, monitor, and provide necessary feedback to keep the planned work on schedule.


Happy employees are productive workers, according to Motivation. Human and psychological factors influence motivation. Human behavior and needs are what determine motivation. The psychological process of inspiring and stimulating employees to increase their willingness to devote their best efforts to the interests of the organization is an important management function.


Leadership is the capacity to persuade others to follow your advice and directions. Managers are responsible for leading groups of workers (followers) or the entire company.


Communication is the process by which two or more individuals exchange ideas, facts, and other types of information. It is the key component in creating stronger relationships at work. The effectiveness of the communication system used within the organization determines whether or not it maintains solid relationships.


To make the organization’s integrated effort a competitive instrument for accomplishing targeted goals, coordination means tying together all of the roles, plans, strategies, resources, people, and components of the organization. It promotes synergy, coherence of action, good resource management, and effective goal achievement.

Attributes of directing

The following are the common attributes of directing within an organization.

A function of management

Directing is, without a doubt, an important part of management. Control, planning, and staffing all play a significant role in assisting management in achieving organizational goals. It can’t be separated from the functions of management.

Pervasive in nature

Proper direction is required at all levels of the management hierarchy, all departments, all employees, and all organization units wherever the senior-junior relationship is established in the workplace, inspiration and direction are required.

A human function is the ability to direct.

It has to do with directing, motivating, leading, and supervising people’s activities. It aims to improve the company’s performance by directing and motivating employees from various departments as effectively as possible.

Continuous process

It continues until the organization is no longer in existence. To ensure that your goals are met, you must constantly provide employees with the necessary direction. Even if the company’s employees, managers, shareholders, or location change, instruction and guidance are still required.

Integrate efforts

Effective performance requires employees to work together. Through component coordination, directing ensures that employees’ efforts are integrated for improved performance and achievement of goals.

What is control in management?

Control is the process of ensuring that an organization’s personnel are working toward a unified objective and that the job is being done according to the management’s plans.

Giving instructions to staff members and ensuring that they are followed to the management’s specifications is controlling.

One of the most fundamental management duties, along with staffing, planning, and organizing, is controlling. Management cannot guarantee the required results without controlling, which is a crucial task.

It entails keeping an eye on the action, evaluating performance against predetermined standards, correcting errors as needed, and maintaining the system. It aids the organization in learning from its mistakes and enhancing its capacity to meet demands. Therefore, the manager’s primary duty is to exercise control.

Control is a management function that aids in error detection and the implementation of corrective measures. This is done to reduce departure from standards and make that the organization’s stated goals are met in the desired way.

Modern notions define control as an anticipatory activity; older concepts of control only applied when faults were found. Setting standards, gauging actual performance, and taking corrective action when necessary are all aspects of managerial control.

The five categories of managerial tasks are planning, organization, staffing, directing, and regulating. Controlling in management is the process of ensuring that an organization’s performance is in line with its stated goals and objectives. It is the management’s responsibility to make sure that events follow the planned path. Establish performance standards, evaluate and contrast outcomes in light of those standards, and, if required, take corrective action.

By comparing performance to accepted standards of practice, spotting gaps, and suggesting corrective action through the managerial function of regulating, organizational goals can be evaluated. As a result, the controlling function of management guides the organization toward long-term goal achievement.

As a principal of a school what are the check and balances you will put in place to make sure the staff is working well in your absence?

Every level of control emphasizes inputs, processes, and outcomes. At each of these three levels, having efficient controls is crucial. Hence, in a school, to establish an effective control system, the following can be implemented.

Student performance

This can be a system of checks to make sure that teachers carry out their teaching duties and do them well. When the average performance of students is below expectation, the teachers involved should be called to order.

Lesson note

Lesson notes usually serve as a measure to know the level of knowledge passed on to the students. Examining the teachers’ as well as students’ notes can be a very useful measure. This will help you find out if students are being provided the content prescribed in the school’s curriculum.

Time book

Time book is very useful where it is not abused. This should include the time of resumption, dismissal, and time of teaching. The class monitors should keep their own record time to indicate the teachers that teach and the topic taught.

Division of labor

Try giving staff members different assignments on alternate days so they can use them as peer reviews for one another.

Ethical instruction

One of the most crucial internal control activities is ethics training for all staff. It will help create a culture of ethical control throughout the organization. This mentality aids in the detection and prevention of fraud and other unethical actions. The employee handbook’s part on the code of ethics can also help staff members understand what is expected of them.

How do you describe a time book as a measure of control to monitor the lateness in an organization?

A time book can be a useful measure to monitor the arrivals and departures from work each day. When it is used effectively, it is integrated as part of the payroll system which helps control employees.

When it is not used effectively, it is abused and not useful at all. This is the case in different organizations, especially, government-owned institutions. In such cases, people manipulate the arrival and departure times.

To make time management effective in organizations, it should be part of the payroll. In such cases, employees’ salary becomes a function of the time worked. When this control measure is adequately implemented, employees will be cautious of their office hours, overtime, and off duties.

This is because no one would want their salaries to be reduced rather they will want an increase. Hence, a time book adequately integrated would be ab effective control measure in organizations to checkmate lateness to work.

What is the feedback measure you can put in a workplace to monitor the performance of workers?

Feedback is the process of assessing, discussing, and arranging an employee’s performance. It is a technique used to provide a team member with helpful feedback. Giving feedback fosters open communication between the team leader and each member, enabling each to track their progress toward a predetermined objective.

To set and track organizational goals, team feedback is essential. Feedback needs to be purposeful, constructive, and interesting to be effective. You may enhance the feedback process within your team by realizing the value of team feedback and discovering the most efficient methods.

To monitor the performance of workers, the following feedback measures can be put in place.

Feedback from customers

The customer is king, as the saying goes. Customers are therefore crucial sources of feedback and can reveal a lot about the type of staff you have. Because of this, an increasing number of businesses today ask for consumer feedback after services are provided on the work of an individual, a team, or management. Surveys, a functioning complaint system, client visits, or focus groups can all be used to gather information.

Feedback from reliable data sources

This is done by utilizing already-existing data, such as KPIs and statistical indicators, to give your employees unbiased feedback. Even if this form of input is unbiased and you may wish to base it on facts, it can occasionally be deceptive. Consider customer service agents, whose main objective is to increase client satisfaction. The service level may not be the ideal metric to use when evaluating such individuals.

Feedback from leaders or managers

Since employees report to managers, supervisors, and team leaders, they are excellent sources of feedback at the workplace. They are more knowledgeable about the daily activities of their subordinates and have greater experience. They also comprehend the company’s policies, practices, and direction better, which improves their comprehension of employee performance. Superiors should occasionally receive training on how to provide feedback because they play a significant role in the feedback process.

Feedback from peers

At the end of the day, employees talk to each other more than they do with their bosses or supervisors. They may be counted on to provide a distinct perspective during the feedback process because they typically have a greater awareness of each other’s performance than even the line supervisors.

Feedback from subordinates

Employees can submit feedback to their managers, supervisors, and even top management, so it’s not just a downward process. Allowing employees to give constructive criticism to individuals in positions of authority will help them feel like valuable members of the team and will increase their likelihood of staying with the company.


Leadership is critical in every organization. They can be more helpful than managers when critical assignments are required to be completed. In this article, we discussed leadership, directing, and control. It’s time for you to tell me what you think. Please, kindly use the comment box below to provide your questions, suggestions, and feedback.

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